If you’ve been in the sales game long enough, you’ve undoubtedly been put through the sales training ringer. Week long immersion courses, training workshops, quarterly ride-alongs or visits from the corporate sales managers for 1-2 day sessions. The list goes on and on. Most of these tactics are still being used today and sales leaders wonder why, more often than not, these training techniques aren’t creating better reps and driving accelerated revenues for their business.

The main reason is reinforcement! Once this type of training is over, it’s over. Most of the time there’s no takeaways from these training techniques that allow the sales professional to take what they learned and make it an integrated piece of their sales strategy moving forward. Sure, they might apply what they learned for a few months, but without having 24/7 access to the right training material, eventually what they learned will fall by the wayside and you’ll end up with training investment wasted.

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(Houston, TX) – Elastic Solutions, a provider of next-generation Virtual Communications and Strategic Marketing Solutions, has announced new pricing structures and value-adds for the second half of 2014 for Elastic Events and Elastic Meetings, their virtual event and webcasting solutions.


The new arrangements, which will take place immediately, are as follows:

  • Three webcasts for $6,500 and five webcasts for $10,000, regardless of how large the event is. Elastic Solutions will not charge for extra bandwidth
  • Event attendance support leveraging Elastic Marketing, the strategic demand generation arm of Elastic Solutions, to drive more of your target audience to your virtual event

“As a new player in the webcasting space, we’re hearing more and more organizations complain about the fact that they’re getting nickel and dimed for every webcast they execute,” said Jason Stegent, Founder and President of Elastic Solutions. “From paying for extra bandwidth to paying for THEIR content to be archived for longer than 4-6 months, they’re sick of the hidden fees. We’re providing a low-risk way for companies to execute webcasts and test drive what we believe to be a world-class platform, with no-hidden fees on the backend. We believe the end result will be happy customers and, ultimately, more long-term relationships.”

In addition, Elastic Solutions will enable organizations to leverage their Elastic Marketing arm to help drive ideal traffic to their virtual events using the Elastic Events platform. Whether it be a virtual conference, summit, user group meeting, product launch, career fair, etc., this service will be offered at no cost for organizations that run a virtual event with Elastic Solutions in the second half of 2014. For more information, please call (832) 831-5844 or email sales@elasticroi.com

About Elastic Solutions

Elastic Solutions provides flexible, scalable, ELASTIC solutions that deliver impactful results. From virtual event and webcasting technology for your marketing, training and corporate communications needs, to strategic marketing solutions that get businesses in front of the right people with the right message at the right time, Elastic Solutions improves the ways businesses communicate with their target audience. The company is headquartered in Houston, TX. To learn more, please visit www.elasticroi.com or send an email to sales@elasticroi.com